The first time, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to write about, and I was really forcing myself to do it. This resulted in a lot of fake-sounding posts with no direction - the enthusiasm just wasn't there.
The second time, I started by recording my progress in a weight loss program, thinking that it would help keep me accountable and perhaps others would be interested in my journey. After two weeks of daily blogging, I realized I was too scared to be honest about my food intake in a public forum - even if no one else was reading it!
Many years ago (*cough* 8-10?), I successfully created a Microsoft "Space", which my friends read regularly. It was full of crazy, there was lots of interaction in the comments section, and it was FUN! Thinking back on it, I realize that it was so easy because it was real - I didn't think too hard about what I was posting, just kind of let whatever was on my mind flow out through the keyboard. Of course, since I'm strange, the end result was unpredictable, with subject matter ranging from relationships and dating, to food, music, movies, books, things that made me laugh, my social life and friends, and the occasional post about nothing.
So... here we go again. I'm going to post what I feel like posting, when I feel like posting it. If no one reads it, so be it, but it'll sure be nice to have somewhere I can rant and swear and talk about my life.
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