Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post Title Goes Here

I am terrible at blog post titles.

Zumba last night was AWESOME - we did a Brazilian Booty Battle.  My ab muscles were toast at the end of class.  I'm having issues with my calf muscles cramping, and I don't know what to do besides stretching.

I stuck to my meal plan 100% yesterday... YAY ME!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Checking In

My menu plan for the week:

Click to embiggen!

Last week's fitness goals - RESULTS:

  •  Go to the gym after work at least three times. - I made it two times: once for a regular strength workout, and once for a Butts and Guts class (which nearly killed me!)
  • Complete my trainer's strength workout twice (and try not to overdo the squats this time, I like being able to walk). - Did the workout once, and I could walk after.
This week's fitness goals:

  • Zumba tonight!!  *dance dance*  Also, Saturday morning.
  • Complete my trainer's strength workout twice.
  • Add at least 20 minutes of cardio to the strength training days.

Last week's food goals - RESULTS:

  • Oatmeal for breakfast, not bagels! (I already failed this one today, but it doesn't mean I can't do it the rest of the week). - Massive FAIL.  I didn't eat oatmeal once.
  • NO FAST FOOD. - Also a massive FAIL.  I ended up at McDonald's twice in one day (only partially my fault), and I had breakfast at Tim Horton's.  Oh, and pizza at work.  Dammit.
  • Healthy, balanced meals. - The ones I made at home were.  =(
  • Stick to my meal plan, and create one for next week. - Did not stick to last week's meal plan, but I did create one for this week!  (See above).
  • Complete food prep for next week on Sunday afternoon (I've totally slacked on this in the last month). - I DID IT!  =D  I have little baggies of cucumber slices and grape tomatoes to add to my lunch salads, plus I chopped up bananas for the freezer.
This week's food goals:

  • Stick to my meal plan (menu at the top of the page).
  • Protein shakes for breakfast, while being aware of the amount of fruit in them (sugar).
  • Create a menu for next week.
  • Complete all food prep on Sunday.
Other goals for the week - RESULTS:

  • Saturday Crafternoon: Complete my peacock-themed wreath for the front door. - DONE!
  • Plan at least two more days of my trip to San Francisco with my mom (three months to go!) - DONE!
 Other goals for the week:
  •  Buy Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z concert tickets.  *squeee!*  I'm flying to Vancouver to see them - with the added bonus of visiting my friends, since I'm from there.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Made it to the gym yesterday, just as planned!

I didn't sleep well the night before, so I had a hard time staying focused on what I was doing (both at work and at the gym).  Fortunately, I managed to get in a good arm workout, and did just enough squats and step ups to feel the burn, but not injure myself.  A little slow going up the stairs this morning, but it's good to know that I got it done.  Man, those guys at the gym who are lifting massive weights and grunting and screaming really make me laugh - it was hard keeping a straight face while I did my little 5 lb. bicep curls.

Stopped to pick up a rotisserie chicken on the way home - dang, those things are awesome.  Served with some mashed red taters (also from the deli) and a quick salad of baby romaine, cucumber and grape tomatoes.  I've been using Bolthouse Farms Yogurt Dressings, which have only 35-45 calories per two tablespoons.  My favourite flavours right now are the Ranch, and the Honey Mustard.  Last week, I used the Honey Mustard to top a salad of romaine, grape tomatoes, cucumber, mango, avocado and grilled chicken breast - amazing!

After a decent night's sleep, I feel so much better than yesterday, so I guess that means I'd better get some work done and earn my wage!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Breaking the Habit

This week's fitness goals: 

  • Go to the gym after work at least three times.
  • Complete my trainer's strength workout twice (and try not to overdo the squats this time, I like being able to walk).
  • Again, I have made out-of-town plans for the weekend that mean I will miss Saturday Zumba.  I really hope the gym adds the Wednesday night class they were talking about, I get restless when I don't go!

This week's food goals: 

  • Oatmeal for breakfast, not bagels!  (I already failed this one today, but it doesn't mean I can't do it the rest of the week).
  • Healthy, balanced meals.
  • Stick to my meal plan, and create one for next week.
  • Complete food prep for next week on Sunday afternoon (I've totally slacked on this in the last month).

Other goals for the week:

  • Saturday Crafternoon: Complete my peacock-themed wreath for the front door.
  • Plan at least two more days of my trip to San Francisco with my mom (three months to go!)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

My husband works in the oilfield, with a 15 day on, 6 day off schedule, and he went back on shift yesterday so he's not home tonight.  We said our valentine's over text this morning when he came off of night shift - I know, very romantic.

Instead, I'm going to watch TV in my pajamas, and I believe tonight's dinner menu consists of grilled cheese and soup.  That's my Valentine's present to myself.

I miss you, husband.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I believe this is my third attempt at starting a blog.  Same name, same design, different concepts.

The first time, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to write about, and I was really forcing myself to do it.  This resulted in a lot of fake-sounding posts with no direction - the enthusiasm just wasn't there.

The second time, I started by recording my progress in a weight loss program, thinking that it would help keep me accountable and perhaps others would be interested in my journey.  After two weeks of daily blogging, I realized I was too scared to be honest about my food intake in a public forum - even if no one else was reading it!

Many years ago (*cough* 8-10?), I successfully created a Microsoft "Space", which my friends read regularly.  It was full of crazy, there was lots of interaction in the comments section, and it was FUN!  Thinking back on it, I realize that it was so easy because it was real - I didn't think too hard about what I was posting, just kind of let whatever was on my mind flow out through the keyboard.  Of course, since I'm strange, the end result was unpredictable, with subject matter ranging from relationships and dating, to food, music, movies, books, things that made me laugh, my social life and friends, and the occasional post about nothing.

So... here we go again.  I'm going to post what I feel like posting, when I feel like posting it.  If no one reads it, so be it, but it'll sure be nice to have somewhere I can rant and swear and talk about my life.